Monday, April 15, 2024
Templates List: Forecast

Daily Cheat Sheet
Pick 3 P3DCS Forecast
The template requires the entry of the most recent draw and provides the most likely Singles and Doubles.
Quick and Dirty
Pick 3 P3QAD Forecast
The template requires the entry of most recent draw and creates a list of upcoming numbers (Singles and Doubles) to be played for a few draws.
Ronin Wheel
Pick 3 P3RONIN Forecast
The template requires the entry of the most recent 5 draws and provides the most likely Singles and Clean Singles based on those entries.
Ronin Wheel
Pick 4 P4RONIN Forecast
The template requires the entry of the most recent 5 draws and provides the most likely Numbers based on those entries.
Samurai Wheel
Pick 3 P3SAMURAI Forecast
The template requires the entry of the most recent 5 draws and provides the most likely Singles and Clean Singles based on those entries.
Samurai Wheel
Pick 4 P4SAMURAI Forecast
The template requires the entry of the most recent 5 draws and provides the most likely Numbers based on those entries.
Shifted Samurai Wheel
Pick 3 P3SAMURAIS Forecast
The template requires the entry of the most recent 5 draws and provides the most likely Singles and Clean Singles based on those entries.
Your Personal Forecast and Warning System
Pick 3 P3YPFAWS Forecast
The template requires the entry of the most recent 3 draws and provides a forecast of potential keys, pairs and more.
